Loris R.

My experience with California Closets was excellent! I am amazed at the efficiency of my space now. Everything has a place and looks beautiful! I can’t say enough about your company. I don’t think I have ever been happier with a design!

Leslie W.

It was a great experience from the beginning when I met Rachel and designed the closet to the completion when Phil installed the closet. The installation was done in a timely manner and is just beautiful! I would highly recommend a California Closet installation to anyone who is looking to organize their life and add […]

Sandy G.

The closets have provided so much “new” space for us by utilizing the heights of our ceilings. The installers were so friendly and they were so good to my pups! Just a great experience!

Lynn W.

I absolutely love my new pantry! It was the best decision I could have made. When I was telling family & friends I was going to have my pantry redone, their expression was “why?”, but after seeing the new pantry everyone is in love with it!

Aine M.

This is the closet I dreamt about ever since I moved into the house three years ago. We did this with an entire master suite remodel, and it is just gorgeous. Rhonda was smart, professional, so fun to work with and very patient. Love it!

Kristy S.

The selection and materials in the showroom were fantastic and helped us make decisions about a closet we are thrilled to use each day. Patrick designed a beautiful closet that made perfect use of a small space. His design was beautiful and he was an absolute joy to work with.

Lisa M.

I liked how knowledgeable Tanya our designer was about space planning and getting the most out of our closet. I also liked the 3-D floor plan she provided at the presentation and just how accurate it was to the actual results.

Joan E.

As a real estate agent, I always advise my clients that to improve their closet space to install California Closets. Closets and pantry storage sells houses!

Barbara D.

Gwynne is absolutely superb! She is professional, creative and works within our budget. Additionally, the quality of your products is excellent. We have California Closets throughout our home and our garages, and have no problems at all!

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